What is Champ Or Hero ?


ChampOrHero is a web platform dedicated to bring together people, organizations and sponsors, creating a network of win-win setups. We bring together people with purpose and with needs.

We encourage you to move. No… We dare you to move.

Most of us move every day. Some just a little, some a bit more, other push beyond their limits. At one point or another we all want to test our strengths, our physical and mental limits.

Discover if you are capable of meeting your limits, you’re pre-set challenges.  Let the facts decide if you can move enough to match your words.
Enter ChampOrHero network, make a promise (e.g. move 10km in 5 days) and see if you can keep it. In the end you’ll see if you’re a Champion (earn a badge because you’ve met your goal) or you’re up to become a Hero, as in case of not meeting your goal, you’ll have the chance to donate a symbolic amount of money to a pre-chosen charity.
In addition to this, in case you do that (make the donation) and a Sponsor backs up the Campaign, it will match your donation, bringing even more value to the cause.

At ChampOrHero we created the environment where you can move for a cause, win for yourself or for others. 


The rules are simple:

  1. Select a Campaign you want to support.
  2. Make a pledge. 
  3. Move. 
  4. Discover if you’re a Champion or not.

Afterwards you can help, but you’re not forced to. 
We only offer you the chance to become a Hero. 
In the end, it’s all up to you.

Why ChamOrHero ?

To give a bit back. Simple as that.
Because all it’s just a matter of perspective.
Having or owning is temporary. But the feeling of making a difference for those who need it, can last forever.

Enter the ChampOrHero network and discover who you are and who can you become.
But you’re not forced to :)
In the end, it’s all up to you.

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